Many orthodontic dentists recommend pulling a child’s teeth to remedy a situation where crowding is making the teeth crooked. This is no longer the only solution.
In most cases, having crowded teeth is a symptom of underdeveloped jaws. We don’t yet know all the reasons that some people’s jaws grow to their full and proper dimensions. It is thought that perhaps a steady diet of soft foods while one is growing up contributes to this lack of development. It is also possible that babies who do not nurse don’t use the muscles of the jaws as much as nursed babies. This could lead to less skeletal development.
The Vivos DNA Appliance can correct this underdevelopment by encouraging growth in both the upper and the lower jaws. This growth can take place at almost any age. Even senior citizens can benefit from this treatment.
The results are the same at any age — a more open airway, resolution of sleep apnea, improvement of TMJ symptoms, more oxygen during sleep and lowered nighttime stress. This reduction of stress during sleep can improve other health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes or keep these problems from developing.