There are dozens of oral appliances on the market to assist people suffering from sleep apnea. What makes the Vivos Biomimetic Oral Applianceunique is that it factually encourages new growth in bone structure, even for adults, and so addresses the underlying cause of sleep apnea. It is a groundbreaking solution in the field of sleep-disordered breathing treatment.
To learn more, attend our free educational seminar or request a personal consultation with Dr. Seifi. Call (301) 818-2653 , email or send us an online message.
Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of a medical issue. Breath of Life Dental encourages you to seek the advice of your physician or you may call our office with any questions you may have regarding TMD or sleep apnea. Everything contained on this website is presented for informational purposes only. While there are many commonalities among multiple TMD and sleep apnea cases, each patient is unique. Information on this website is strictly for educating the reader about what they should discuss with their doctor if they are suffering from the listed symptoms. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.
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